14th International Conference for Philosophy and Psychiatry
Afterthoughts Last update: 2017-02-05
The videos from the conference, altogether seven, can now be seen in 720p HD with an interface (Vimeo) that should work with most web browsers.
Go here to find the videos.
The old links may still work with some browsers that are not compatible with Vimeo, and we have therefore left them in place. Use the links below only if the new page does not work!
All four contributions to the Saturday workshop Does phenomenological psychiatry have a future? are now available as streaming videos. In the order of presentation:
Massimiliano Aragona: The recurrent crisis of Psychopathology and the future of Phenomenology
Alfred Kraus: Phenomenological Understanding of the Experience of Delusion and Hallucination in Schizophrenics
G.E. Berrios: Phenomenology & Biological Psychiatry: Are they compatible?
Aragona, Berrios, Kraus, audience: Discussion
These four videos require Quicktime to be played (inbuilt on Mac, downloadable for PC). Together with the keynote speeches by D.W. Smith and German Berrios, they form a rather unique source of information about the relations between psychiatry and phenomenology.
If you are interested in buying any of the videos on DVD (in 720p HD format, for PC or Mac), please send a message to info@sffp.se.
The first streaming video from the workshop Does phenomenological psychiatry have a future?, which features Massimiliano Aragona's lecture The recurrent crisis of Psychopathology and the future of Phenomenology, is now in place. The present version requires a Mac, or a PC with Quicktime installed (download it here). It is a large file and may take some time to fetch. We will supply a smaller Flash version later.
Maybe you have not been reached by the information that all abstracts from the meeting are available on-line. Well, here they are!
The video from German Berrios' keynote speech, Phenomenology in Psychiatry: The Practice is now available. Thanks to the movie team, as usual.
If you want to get any of the videos at a higher resolution, please send a note to info@sffp.se.
Next in turn to be edited are the movies from the Saturday workshop on the future of phenomenological psychiatry, but we cannot give you a timetable for this work.
The second streaming video from the meeting is now up and running. It is the keynote speech by D.W. Smith on Friday, September 2, named Phenomenology in Psychiatry: Theory. The format is a little different from the previous one since we are experimenting with different formats. Please tell us (info@sffp.se) if any of the videos does not work on your computer.
Again, many thanks to the movie team (see below)!
The picture gallery can now be found here.
If you want to correct or add to the description of any of the pictures, please tell us. You are also very welcome to contribute to the gallery! Send your pictures (in as large format as possible) to info@sffp.se.
Four months have now passed since the meeting. Sorry, the picture gallery is not yet in place, but instead we can present the first streaming video from the conference, namely the Special Workshop held on Saturday, September 3. Thanks to: Kristoffer Sundberg and Alva Stråge for the film photo, Kristoffer Sundberg for doing most of the film editing work, and Daniel Ruhe for a functional video stream. You may hold me responsible for the sound editing.
If you want to buy a disk with the same movie in high (1280 x 720 HD) resolution, please send a mail to info@sffp.se.
The editing of several other movies from the conference is in progress but will take some time to complete.
Helge Malmgren
The conference ended two weeks ago. We have received many positive comments which is of course a welcome thing after more than a year of hard work with organising the event.
We will soon send out certificates of attendance to those who ask for it. If you want one and has not told us, please send a mail to info@sffp.se. Don't forget to include your birth date and whether you want some specific information to be included in the certificate, e.g. which pre-conference course you attended.
We intend to put up a picture gallery from the meeting here. You are very welcome to send us photographs that you would like to see there.
The full program of the meeting is still available and now includes the last-minute changes. For the first page, go here.
The conference is organized by the Swedish
Association for Philosophy and Psychiatry in cooperation with
the University of Gothenburg,
the Swedish Psychiatric
Association and the International
Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry.