Videos from the conference  

Ethics, Experience and Evidence

Gothenburg, Sweden, 2-4 September 2011

Friday, 2 September

Phenomenology in psychiatry: Theory.

Keynote lecture. David W. Smith, University of California, Irvine, USA

Phenomenology in psychiatry: Practice.

Keynote lecture. German E. Berrios, University of Cambridge, UK.

Saturday, 3 September

Workshop: Does phenomenological psychiatry have a future?

Organized by: Association Crossing Dialogues, Rome, Italy

Massimiliano Aragona, University of Rome La Sapienza; German E. Berrios, University of Cambridge.

1. The recurrent crisis of Psychopathology and the future of Phenomenology

assimiliano Aragona

2. Phenomenological Understanding of the Experience of Delusion and Hallucination in Schizophrenics

Alfred Kraus,
University of Heidelberg

3. Phenomenology & Biological Psychiatry: Are they compatible?

German Berrios

4. Discussion

Aragona, Berrios, Kraus, audience.

Workshop: Integrating perspectives: An open discussion of the problems of communication

 and of understanding between clinicians and service users.

Jan Verhaeg, University of Central Lancashire, UK; Nancy Nyqvist Potter, University of Louisville, USA;

Tim Thornton, University of Central Lancashire, UK; audience.