SFFP: Publications on Philosophy and Psychiatry

Page maintained by Helge Malmgren; last update: February 21, 2013.

This page lists some publications from the last 10+ years, by members of SFFP (Svensk Förening för Filosofi och PsykiatriSwedish Association for Philosophy and Psychiatry), on topics with relevance for the philosophy of psychiatry. Some of the links go to full texts, other links are to more information about the publication. * marks the most recent publications. Please send a mail to info@sffp.se if you want to add anything to the list.

Almäng, J. (2007),  Intentionality and Intersubjectivity. Acta Philosophica Gothoburgensia 21. Dissertation. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.

*Anckarsäter, H. (2010), Beyond categorical diagnostics in psychiatry: Scientific and medicolegal implications.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 33, 59–65.

Berman, A. H. (2008), De fyra världarna i existentiell terapi: Några reflektioner om övervärlden (The four worlds in existential therapy: Some reflections on the Überwelt. In Swedish). In: Stiwne, D. (ed). Bara detta liv - texter i existentiell psykologi och terapi (Only This life - Texts in Existential Psychology and Therapy). Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.

*Berman, A. H. & Farbring, C.-Å. (eds.), (2010). Kriminalvård i praktiken: Strategier för att minska återfall i brott och missbruk. (Correctional  work in practice: Strategies for reducing relapse in crime and substance abuse. In Swedish.) Lund: Studentlitteratur.

*Berman, A.H. & Brisendal, C. (2011). DUDIT-E och Alcohol-E: Samtala konstruktivt om droger och alkohol. Stockholm: Gothia förlag.

*Berman, A. H., Farzanfar, R., Kristiansson, M., Carlbring, P. & Friedman, R. H. (2012). Design and Development of a Telephone-Linked Care (TLC) System to Reduce Impulsivity among Violent Forensic Outpatients and Probationers. Journal of Medical Systems, 36(3), 1031-1042. doi: 10.1007/s10916-010-9565-1.

*Berman, A. H. (2012). Uppmärksamma, utreda och bedöma alkohol- och narkotikaproblem. In C. Fahlke (Ed.), Missbrukspsykologi (pp. 338-349). Stockholm: Liber förlag.

Brülde, B. (2000), On how to define the concept of health: A loose comparative approach. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3: 305-308.

Brülde, B. (2000), More on the looser comparative approach to defining ‘health’: A reply to Nordenfelt’s reply. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3: 313-315.

Brülde, B. (2001), The goals of medicine: Towards a unified theory. Health Care Analysis 9: 1-13.

Brülde, B. (2003), Teorier om livskvalitet. (Theories about Quality of Life. In Swedish.) Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Brülde, B. (2003), The concept of mental disorder.
Philosophical Communications, Web Series 28. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

Brülde, B. (2007), Lycka och lidande: begrepp, metod, förklaring. (Happiness and Suffering: concepts, method, explanation. In Swedish.) Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Brülde, B. (2007), Wakefield’s hybrid account of mental disorder. World Psychiatry, 6, 163-164.

Brülde, B. (2009), Lyckans och lidandets etik. (The Ethics of Happiness and Suffering. In Swedish.) Stockholm: Thales.

Brülde, B. & Malmgren, H. (1998), Measuring quality of life. Some philosophical comments. Philosophical Communications, Green Series 59. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

Brülde, B. & Radovic, F. (2006), What is mental about mental disorder? Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 13: 99-116.
Brülde, B. & Radovic, F. (2006), Dysfunctions, disabilities and disordered minds. Our response to the commentaries. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 13: 133-141.

Brülde, B. & Tengland P-A. (2003), Hälsa och sjukdom – en begreppslig utredning. (Health and Disease – a conceptual investigation. In Swedish.) Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Engström, I. (2008), Etik, erfarenhet och evidens – hur ska man se på psykiatrin? (Ethics, experience and evidence – how shall one regard psychiatry? In Swedish.) Tidskrift för Svensk Psykiatri 2008:2: 32-35.

Höglund, P., Levander, S., Anckarsäter, H. & Radovic, S. (2009), Accountability and psychiatric disorders: How do forensic psychiatric professionals think? International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 32, 355-61.

*Juth, N. & Lorentzon , F. (2010), The concept of free will and forensic psychiatry. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 33, 1–10

Kindström Dahlin, M., Hellner Gumpert, C., Torstensson-Levander, M., Svensson, L. & Radovic, S. (2009), Mentally disordered criminal offenders: Legal and criminological perspectives. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 32, 377–82.

Levinsson, H. (2006), Den självbestämmande individen. (The self-determining individual. In Swedish.) In Hansson, K. (ed), Etiska utmaningar i hälso- och sjukvården, 105-124. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Lorentzon, F. (2005), Free will, determinism and suicide. Presentation at ICCP2005: International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Göteborg 2005. Philosophical Communications, Web Series 34. Göteborg: Göteborg University

Malmgren, H. (1997), Quantifying Quality of Life. Poster presented at the 22d International Epilepsy Congress, Dublin, Ireland, June 29-July 4, 1997. Philosophical Communications, Web Series 3. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

Malmgren, H. (1998), Without a proper definition, you do not see the phenomenon. The history of a missing diagnosis. Revision of a paper originally presented at the conference Consciousness and its pathologies, San Diego, California, May 17-18, 1997. Philosophical Communications, Web Series 8. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

Malmgren, H. (2000), Rorschach's Idea of a "Movement" Response in the Light of Recent Philosophy and Psychology of Perception. E-version, with permission, of a paper originally published in Rorschachiana. Yearbook of the International Rorschach Society, 24: 1–25. (Ask Helge Malmgren for a password.)

Malmgren, H. (2003), Lived body, lived time and emotion. The concept of consciousness in the phenomenological psychiatry of Henri Ey. Presentation at the conference Towards a Science of Consciousness, Prague, July 6–9 2003. Philosophical Communications, Web Series 26. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

Malmgren, H. (2003), Time and the Body Schema. Poster presentation at the conference Psychiatry, Phenomenology, and Philosophy, Göteborg, November 15-16, 2003. Philosophical Communications, Web Series 27. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

Malmgren, H. (2005), The theoretical basis of the biopsychosocial model. In White, P. (ed), Biopsychosocial Medicine: An integrated approach to understanding Illness: 21-38. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Malmgren, H. (2006), Is schizophrenia a brain disease? Lecture at Philosophy, Psychiatry, and the Neurosciences: 9th International Conference on Philosophy and Psychiatry. Leiden, June 28 juni-July 1, 2006. Philosophical Communications, Web Series 41. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

Malmgren, H. (2007), Hypotesen om schizofreni som en "hjärnsjukdom" återstår att visa. (The hypothesis that schizophrenia is a "brain disease" remains to be proven. In Swedish.) Läkartidningen 204: 2152-5.

Malmgren, H. (2007), Inlärning och minne i neurala nätverk. (Learning and Memory in Neural Networks. In Swedish.) Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Malmgren, H. (2007), Psychiatry's repressed past and its relevance for philosophy. Comment to D. Damiann, How new is the new philosophy of psychiatry? Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2007, 2: 22.

Malmgren, H. (2008), Memory, emotion and brain injury. Some lessons from classical “organic” psychiatry. Poster presentation at the Twelfth International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston, MA.

Malmgren, H. (2008), Review of B. Uttl et al: Memory and Emotion. Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Metapsychology Online Reviews, 12:32 .

Malmgren, H. (2009), Review of Rachel Cooper: Psychiatry and Philosophy of Science. Metapsychology Online Reviews 13:9.

Malmgren, H. (2011), Review of Ihsan M. Salloum and Juan E. Mezzich (Editors), Psychiatric Diagnosis. Challenges and Prospects. Metapsychology Online Reviews 15:12.

*Malmgren, H., Radovic, S., Thorén, H. & Haglund, B. (2010), A philosophical view on concepts in psychiatry. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 33, 66–72.

Malmgren, H. & Nilsson, I. (2008), Consciousness. In Darity, W.A. Jr (ed). International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2d ed, Vol 2: 78–82. Detroit: Macmillan Reference.

Neubeck, A. (2008), The Prodromal Phase of What? A Metapsychiatric Analysis of the Prodromal Phase of Schizophrenia. Dissertation, Linköping University.

Neubeck, A., Nordenfelt, L. (1996), Samtal om hälsan. En dialog om hälsans natur. (Talks about health. A dialogue on the nature of health. In Swedish.) Linköping: Linköping University.

Nilsson, T., Munthe, C., Gustavson, C., Forsman, F. & Anckarsäter, H. (2009), The precarious practice of forensic psychiatric risk assessments. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 32, 400–7.

Nordenfelt, L. (1997), The stoic conception of mental illness: The case of Cicero. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, 4, 285-91, 1997.

Nordenfelt, L. (1999),  Introduction to Quality of Life: The concept and its application in health care. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice: An International Forum 2, 3-10.

Nordenfelt, L. (2007), Rationality and Compulsion. Oxford UP.

*Nordenfelt, L. (ed.) (2012), Filosofi och medicin: från Platon till Foucault. (Philosophy and Medicine. From Plato to Focault. In Swedish.) Stockholm: Thales.

Radovic, F. & Radovic, S. (2002), Feelings of unreality: A conceptual and phenomenological analysis of the language of depersonalization, Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, 9.

Radovic, F. & Radovic, S. (2002), Investigating depersonalization. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 9.

Radovic, S. & Anckarsäter, H. (eds.) (2009), Tillräknelighet. (Accountability. In Swedish.) Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Radovic, S. & Malmgren, H. (2000) Fatigue and fatigability - semantic and etiologic perspectives. Poster presentation at the conference Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and conceptual issues. Bremen, Germany June 19-22, 1998. Philosophical Communications, Web Series 7. Göteborg: Göteborg University.

*Steinhoff, R. & Berman, A. H. (2012). Children’s Experiences of Having a Parent in Prison – “We look at the moon and then we feel close to each other”. Scientific Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi V, 77-96.

Svenaeus, F. (2005), Phenomenology and psychiatry: A contemporary diagnosis introducing the work of Thomas Fuchs.  SATS: Nordic Journal of Philosophy, 6: 153-66.

Svenaeus, F. (2007), Do antidepressants affect the self? A phenomenological analysis. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 10: 202-11.

Svenaeus. F. (2008), Tabletter för känsliga själar: Den antidepressiva revolutionen. (Pills for sensitive souls: The anti-depressive revolution. In Swedish.) Nya Doxa.

Svenaeus, F. (2009), The ethics of self-change: becoming oneself by way of antidepressants or psychotherapy?”. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12:2.

Svennerlind, C. (2009), Philosophical motives for the Swedish criminal code of 1965. Philosophical Communications, Web Series 52. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg.

*Svennerlind, C., Nilsson, T., Kerekes, N. et al. (2010). Mentally disordered criminal offenders in the Swedish criminal system. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 33, 220-6.

Tännsjö, T. (1999), Coercive Care: The Ethics of Choice in Health and Medicine (London & New York: Routledge, 1999). Swedish translation:
Tvångsvård: Om det fria valets etik i hälso- och sjukvård. Stockholm: Thales, 2002.

Tännsjö, T. (1999), Informal coercion in the somatic care of people suffering from senile dementia or mental retardation. Nursing Ethics,  6, 327–35.

Tännsjö, T. (2000), Forensic Psychiatry and Human Rights. Psychiatry on-line. Priory Medical Journals.

Tännsjö, T. (2002), Legalisera droger till döende. (Legalize drugs for the dying. In Swedish.) Moderna Tider, no. 145.

Tännsjö, T. (2004), The convention on human rights and biomedicine and the use of coercion in psychiatry. Journal of Medical Ethics, 30, 430-34.

Tännsjö, T. (2009), Ought we to enhance our cognitive capacities? Bioethics 23:7, 421-432.

*Vilhelmsson A., Svensson T. & Meeuwisse A (2011). Mental ill health, public health and medicalization. Public Health Ethics 4(3), 207-217.